The Most Remarkable Health Benefits Of Eating Raw Ginger

  • Thursday, April 12, 2018
  • By Tatoru Yuki

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The Most Remarkable Health Benefits Of Eating Raw Ginger

Eating nutrient rich foods is the best thing you can do for your body. Vitamins are great, but nothing beats an organic piece of fruit straight from the tree, or eating from your own homegrown harvest when you are looking to optimise your health.

With this in mind, it’s good practice to learn about the different types of food that can really do wonders for your general health. Raw or root ginger is one such miracle substance, which has been used for centuries for its relieving properties.

Most commonly, herbalists and healers take the rhizome or the root of the plant and either grind it into powder, enfuse in tea or eat raw. You can also find supplements in the form of capsules or powders as well as ginger tea in most health food stores.
Here are a few of the ailments that can be relieved with raw ginger:

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1.Gut Health
At a most basic level, raw ginger helps aid digestion and can be particularly useful if you are experiencing stomach pains or nausea. Using anti-inflammatory chemicals called gingerols and shogaols, which work to relax the gut - raw ginger can prevents all sorts of ailments including colic, cramps, sickness and vomiting.

2. Antioxidant  Properties
As well as all the benefits to intestinal health, eating raw ginger provides the body with antioxidants -  a word that gets thrown around alot and is seen a lot on many different products on the shelves. Most of us have a vague idea that consuming antioxidants are good for health - but how do they work? Essentially, they replace depleted or lost electrons to free radicals (unstable molecules) within our body, helping to prevent disease and changes within our body’s DNA.

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3. Inflammatory Reduction
In a study conducted by the University of Miami, 247 osteoarthritis sufferers reported less pain and reduced need of pain medication after taking ginger extract twice daily for six weeks. It has been shown that the anti-inflammatory compounds in ginger work as a COX-2 inhibitor - in the same way that other arthritic medications function.

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4. Ward Off Nausea
Consuming ginger during pregnancy is also considered useful to ease symptoms of morning sickness in some women - but care must be taken with dosage and duration of consumption. There has also been some evidence that ginger may be helpful in further reducing nausea after chemotherapy treatments, when used in conjunction with other anti-sickness medication.

5. Preventing Heart Disease
Heart disease has also been subject to studies involving ginger. According to researchers at Tehran University, Iran - A reported 10% reduction in blood sugar over a period of 12 weeks was indicated when participants with type two diabetes consumed two grams of ginger powder per day. High blood sugar is a major contributing risk factor in heart disease, meaning risk of developing heart issues could be lowered by 10% when consuming ginger. Although more studies are needed to prove it, some researchers believe that ginger can be beneficial when trying to lower cholesterol too, another contributor to heart disease.

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6. Cold And Flu Relief
This powerful little plant can actually warm you up. By helping to increase your body's natural vascular constriction, it contributes to your body's core temperature, making it a perfect choice for cold winter nights - especially if the cold has really taken hold and you’re suffering with flu. Again, the amazing antioxidant properties are at work here, this time helping you to sweat nasty toxins out, which will help you to recover faster.


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It’s worth noting, that because raw ginger is so potent, there can be adverse side effects. Interestingly enough, too much raw ginger can actually cause stomach upset, rather than prevent it. Switching to less intense methods of consuming ginger might be a better option for some people - trying ginger tea, supplements or ginger powder sprinkled on food could work just as well if you want to tone it down a notch.

As you can see, there are many internal health benefits and risk reducing properties of ginger, but it’s good to be conscious of the amount of raw ginger you put into your body. There are many variables that contribute to how much you should be taking such as age, weight, body type and even your environment or climate, but as a general rule - herbalists advise not to ingest more than four grams of raw ginger per day. Before you consider adding any supplements to your diet or medicinal routine, you should always check with your doctor first.

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